Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Faith? Dennis 2022 Birthday Message


Birthday 2022 Dennis Chinedu Mark Onuigbo 

As it is the tradition for me to make a birthday write up, I thought long and hard on what to write and while I wrote this few first line in faith, it then came to me to write about Faith. 

Firstly, I thank the Almighty God for His grace upon my life and I thank you my good friends and family for your wishes. Please find time to read slowly and attentively, am sure you will benefit from the message. 

What is Faith? 

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of the unseen (Hebrew 11:1). For me, I thought of it like putting a name or a face to a thing unseen, or hoped for. Having a picture of it in your mind and heart and confessing same always. This attitude gives the unseen or hope a substance. Which is the building block for the thing unseen or hoped for. When action is applied to Faith, the creation of that thing begins. This is what our Father God did during creation. The Spirit hovered over the deep before He SPOKE. Now you know why when you speak nothing happens. You have not created the substance, your heart is divided. Fear and doubt maybe the challenge. A double minded person is unstable (James 1:8). We must trust in the ability of God in us. 

Faith in God

There are many type of faith and they work in many ways. There is faith in man, in which ones action is because his father (man) is the prime minister or the wealthiest man in the community by number of cars, houses and so on. You will discover the confidence in their actions. This confidence is derived from the influence they know their father has in the community. So, they can walk into a place and sit on the top seat, request whatever they want because they know they have money to pay etc. 

There is also faith in science and technology. Where one knows that the airplane is there at the airport, they can confidently tell a friend I will be at Melbourne tomorrow by this time. Before the statement is made, they have thought of it and probably checked flight availability, terms and conditions: and might have also booked the flight. They have access to information and they trusted the information and can make bold statements like " by this time tomorrow, I will be at Melbourne" . This is faith. And when the check in time comes, the man takes action and move to the airport believing that the plane fly as planned. And if it doesn't fly at the given time, the man ask when will the flight be rescheduled based on the fact that he has a document that proofs the promise by the airline. He remained positive that the promised made will be fulfilled and that when he enters the plane, it will fly to Melbourne and he doesn't need to understand all the engine parts and operations for him to enter the flight. That part which is difficult is left for the engineers. 

Faith in God can be likened to the above. We need to search the scriptures/ Bible and see all information that we require to make a bold statement. So, for instance, when I say to a person "by this time next month you are completely healed from your sickness". It must be that I have found a place where it was written in the Bible that by His Stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:5). I will trust in the God who made that statement. And if it didn't happen the first time I took action to claim the healing, I will wait for it and ask when will it be because I have a document/promise from the Father to those who believe in Him. 

How can you trust God that you can't see? 

This is the most beautiful part of it. Some will say, I trust in science and technology because I can see prove. Let's assume one is looking for healing for a deadly disease like cancer or HIV or even the current virus, the tendency is to trust what we know. Which is not a bad idea because there are wonderful treatments out there. However, they can be limited at some point and that is where your faith in God needs to be activated. You can't see Him now won't be an issue. Same way you can't see the owner of the airplane before you search the flight information on the internet or written documents. Search the Bible, there is a word for you about that situation. For God, the only condition is that you believe that word for yourself. You don't need to pay money, just pay attention to the word. Meditate on it over and over again. Hover over it for long until everything in you be in agreement to it. Ask Him to forgive any sin you might have committed knowingly or unknowingly and forgive everyone that have offended you. When you are sure anger, hatred, unforgiveness and bitterness are all gone from you and your whole self is in agreement with the word of God; then SPEAK over the condition, SPEAK what you thought for yourself. SPEAK how you want your body and health to be. SPEAKING is the first action you take and know that when you are speaking, you are releasing the substance of what you want, the material for creating what you thought. All your trust must be in God who prepared the document and on the integrity of His nature and word that existed for years. After speaking, rejoice and thank Him because in His word (John 14:13) said anything you ask in His name, "that" He will do. Begin to live the life that you have thought, begin to attempt those things you couldn't do because of the illness and live according to the Bible standard to maintain your healing and shut the door for evil to enter. 

So, when you hear me say "I will not fall sick even from the current virus" my statement appears arrogant and bold. It has been that way because my faith is in God and His word.  I will not doubt no matter the circumstance around me.

I appreciate your wonderful wishes for my birthday. I love you my beloved family and friends and that is why I share messages like this. I hope it will be beneficial to you someday. Only Faith pleases God (Hebrew 11:6) 


Dennis Chinedu Mark Onuigbo 


Write up also available at